Biden’s Department of (in)Justice is preparing to intervene in the Arizona election audit!
The Elections Clause of the Constitution is very clear:
“The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.”
States have control over elections in their territory and Congress has the authority to pass nationwide election laws.
Notice how nowhere in Article 1, Section 4 does the Constitution give the Department of Justice the power to intervene when a state is auditing its own election. If Congress wanted to intervene and audit results, they have the Constitutional power to do so. But the Department of Justice does NOT have this power.
Joe Biden doesn’t seem to care about the pesky constitution… The DOJ is moving forward with plans to intervene in the Arizona election audit anyway!
Yesterday, we started hearing rumors that the DOJ was preparing to take some sort of action in Arizona. Within hours of these rumors circulating, the Department of Justice’s so-called Civil Rights Division delivered a letter to the President of the Arizona State Senate warning that intervention was coming.
The DOJ announced that after consulting “news reports and complaints regarding the procedures being used for this audit,” they have identified “two issues of non-compliance with Federal laws.”
Biden’s DOJ is now claiming that an Arizona audit examining Arizona election results is illegal under Federal law. What laws specifically, you ask?
First, the DOJ is claiming that the ballots, materials, and election hardware are “no longer under the ultimate control of state and local elections officials, are not being adequately safeguarded by contractors at an insecure facility, and are at risk of being lost, stolen, altered, compromised or destroyed.”
That’s right: After the FBI ignored complaint after complaint during the 2020 election that ballots were being mishandled and removed from the proper chain of custody, the DOJ is now weaponizing that very statute to try to shut down the Arizona audit.
Remember the reports that shredding trucks were showing up to precincts in Georgia to destroy elections materials? And remember how the DOJ did absolutely nothing to stop it? Well, now the DOJ is preparing to intervene in Arizona by claiming that they don’t trust the auditors to preserve the records…
The audit will also highlight at least three precincts that had a high number of anomalies and conduct an audit of voters’ voting histories. That will include going door to door to confirm that people are who they claim to be and whether or not they actually voted. Biden’s DOJ is declaring that is a violation of Section 11(b) of the Voting Rights Act.
“No person, whether acting under color of law or otherwise, shall intimidate, threaten, or coerce, or attempt to intimidate, threaten, or coerce any person for voting or attempting to vote… or for urging or aiding any person to vote or attempt to vote.”
This is the law Biden’s DOJ is claiming the audit is violating. Even though ballot harvesting is illegal in Arizona, the Biden DOJ claims that any attempt to investigate ballot harvesting will end up “intimidating” people for “urging or aiding any person to vote.”
This is INSANE. The DOJ is literally swooping in to protect illegal ballot harvesters…
The Constitution does not give the DOJ the power to intervene in a state audit. Period. Biden, however, doesn’t seem to care…
It is amazing that the Leftists who claim the 2020 election was the most secure election ever all seem to be complaining the loudest about the Arizona audit (and doing everything they can to shut it down).
We are hearing from Arizona GOP sources that they have already started finding the fraud that they were looking for. We will have to wait for the audit to finish to receive the full report, but the Arizona Republican Party is very happy with how the audit is going so far.
That explains why Democrats are trying so hard to shut it down!
The Biden DOJ just took the first step towards shutting down the audit. They are so terrified of what the Audit will find, they are scrambling to shut it down for bogus “civil rights” violations.
What Biden is doing is illegal, unconstitutional, and must be stopped!
Defend the audit!
Max McGuire
Conservative Daily