The number of illegal aliens being apprehended at the US-Mexico border is now 5x higher than it was last year at this time. In the first five months of 2021, Border Patrol apprehended 711,784 illegal aliens. In just May alone, 180,034 illegals were apprehended (eight times more than were caught in May of last year).
The crisis isn’t getting better. It is getting worse.
Lots of people are saying that the Biden-Harris administration is failing to deal with this crisis. That is an unfair accusation because Joe Biden and Kamala Harris aren’t even trying to stop illegal immigration. You see, you have to actually make an effort before you can be branded a failure. What is happening today at the border is by design…
Democrats are planning the biggest amnesty program ever devised. With few exceptions, every illegal alien that gets into the country before their bill goes into effect will be eligible for amnesty, even if they have criminal records.
So it is no surprise that the border is being overrun. Illegal aliens are rushing in because they want to qualify for amnesty and Biden and Harris are letting it happen because they want to give them amnesty…
Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi believe the time is now to push through an amnesty package. It is up to you to stop them!
When Senator Joe Manchin refused to support the Democrats’ election fraud bill, the Left began demanding blood. They want Manchin kicked out of the party. I can’t believe I am actually saying this, but Schumer and Pelosi are choosing to be more pragmatic than their radical leftist base.
Instead of kicking Manchin out of the party, which would kick Schumer out of power, the Democrat leadership are demanding that Joe Manchin make a concession. If he will not vote for their election fraud scheme, he will have to vote for some other part of the Biden agenda.
I am hearing from my sources that if they do secure a Manchin concession, it will be on immigration.
Just to recap, the Democrats’ amnesty proposal would grant legal residency and a pathway to citizenship for millions, if not tens of millions, of illegal aliens in the country. We don’t have an exact figure because the eligibility cutoff would be the day the bill gets signed into law. Yes, when you look at the pictures and videos of illegal aliens just waltzing into the US, they would get amnesty under the Pelosi/Schumer plan.
In the past, Democrats have promised that amnestied illegal aliens would be forced to pay all back-taxes and fines. Well, the Biden administration just revoked all of the fines facing illegal aliens for illegally remaining in the United States. So there won’t be any fines…
We also know that the Democrats’ plan includes convicted criminals. Under the proposal, as long as an illegal alien has not been convicted on more than two misdemeanor crimes, they will automatically receive amnesty. Illegal aliens with three or four misdemeanor convictions will have to get a special waiver from the Biden administration. A misdemeanor is any crime punishable by less than one year in prison. So under the Democrats’ plan, illegal aliens who spent three years and 361 days behind bars could technically qualify for amnesty and a pathway to citizenship.
This is especially disturbing when you remember what Democrats have been doing to protect illegal aliens from deportation. In states like New York and California, we have seen liberal prosecutors deliberately reduce illegal aliens’ charges from felonies to misdemeanors in order to prevent the Federal government from deporting them. Well, now those hardened criminals will be eligible for American citizenship.
And with that would come voting rights. That’s what Democrats are ultimately after. They lost Congressional seats and Electoral College delegates due to the census. They want to make that up by adding millions of Democrat-voting illegal aliens to the voting rolls. If this happens, Texas, Georgia, North Carolina, Arizona, and Florida would turn deep, deep blue.
This is the Democrats’ idea of “compromise.” Except, unlike previous proposals, there aren’t even any border security provisions to offset the massive amnesty. They’re not even pretending that this is a ‘comprehensive immigration proposal.’ They want to keep the border as wide-open as possible so in another decade, they can do this again.
This is what the Left is pushing Manchin to agree to. If this passes, it’s all over…
Our goal today is two-fold, and we need your help to accomplish it.
(1) We must force Congress to put a stop to the chaos at the border. The President has authority over immigration because Congress ceded that authority. Never before have we had a President unapologetically open up the borders to allow an endless flood of illegal immigration. Joe Biden has proven unwilling to secure the border, so Congress must intervene.
(2) We must shut down this dangerous amnesty plan. If Democrats succeed in giving amnesty and citizenship to tens of millions of illegal aliens – including convicted criminals – the Republic will be lost. We need your help to put pressure on Democrats and Republicans alike to BLOCK the amnesty bill before Pelosi and Schumer can push it through!
Our goal today is to send 300k FaxBlasts to Congress and finally put a stop to this madness. There are Democrats, more and more of them every day, who see what is happening at the border and understand that it must be stopped. We can win this fight, but we need your help to do it!
Max McGuire
Conservative Daily