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Biden Says You’re An Enemy of the Constitution

Yesterday, Joe Biden delivered what is easily the most divisive speech ever delivered by an American President.

During his 25-minute screed, Biden declared that it was actually Republicans who were trying to steal the election, lied that the Supreme Court had heard election challenges, and labeled anyone who continues to doubt the legitimacy of his Presidency as an enemy of the Constitution and the Republic.

None of that is an exaggeration. He accused states passing election integrity of deliberately targeting minority voters while simultaneously claiming that election integrity laws affect all voters, regardless of their skin color. He accused conservative commentators like me, who he called “peddlers of lies,” of being literally worse than slave owners. Anyone who believes in Voter ID or that drive-through voting is a bad idea, Joe Biden branded them a domestic enemy of the Constitution itself.

It was, without a doubt, the darkest and most divisive speech ever delivered by a President. Then again, based on the latest news coming out of Arizona and Georgia, Joe Biden likely isn’t the legitimate President. But I digress

Biden then pivoted to demanding that Congress resurrect a bill called H.R. 1, the “For The People Act.” Only by passing this law, Biden proclaimed, could he defeat conservatives. He called it a war over the soul of the nation and demanded that Congress federalize the election systems in all 50 states, a move that would allow the Left to steal all elections…

Now, we are hearing that the damn may have broken in Congress and the few Democrat holdouts are preparing to pass this monstrosity into law…

Stop Biden and the Left from changing the country’s election laws! Send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and STOP them from passing these radical election law changes!

H.R. 1, also called S. 1 in the Senate, basically takes all of the election law changes that Democrats used to steal the 2020 election and would force all 50 states to adopt them permanently. We have covered this in the past, but here five of the worst things that this legislation would do:

1. H.R. 1 and S.1 would make it illegal for states to remove dead people and inactive voters from the voter rolls. This would allow Democrat operatives to cast fraudulent votes on their behalf.

2. The bills would force states to accept fraudulent same-day voter registration. We see this happen a lot in New Hampshire. People come over from Massachusetts and register same-day to vote in the more competitive NH races. The law would also require states to adopt automatic and online voter registration.

3. They would outlaw Voter ID. States would no longer be allowed to require Voter ID when people apply for an absentee ballot. Meaning, anyone who wants to circumvent their state’s Voter ID law would simply be able to vote by mail and never have to prove that they are who they say they are.

4. States would be required to conduct 100% vote-by-mail elections whenever there is an infectious disease or natural disaster around election time. Considering that Election Day falls inside of both Flu and Hurricane Seasons, this would give the government the power to force swing states to vote by mail.

5. Most disgustingly, the bill would allow states to receive mail-in ballots for up to 10 days after election day. In other words, if all of these other fraud efforts don’t steal elections for Democrats, they can spend 10 days after the polls close waiting for more ballots to magically arrive…

Joe Biden has declared YOU the enemy of the nation. This legislation is how he claims to defeat you!

Stop Biden and the Left from changing the country’s election laws! Send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and STOP them from passing these radical election law changes!

A month ago, this bill fell short in the US Senate. It needed 60-votes, but it fell 10-votes short. The GOP held the line and blocked it using the filibuster.

I warned that this wasn’t going to be the end of it… I warned that Democrats would reload and come back to push it through again. Joe Biden’s divisive speech yesterday, where he branded conservatives the enemies of the Republic, was the beginning of that second push.

During his speech, Biden said he assigned Kamala Harris to work on getting the bill passed. Normally, given how big of a failure Harris has been as VP, that would be cause for celebration. However, this time, she is actually working on it. Just yesterday, Harris admitted in an interview that she is working with Congressional Democrats to get H.R. 1 passed by any means necessary.

Part of that push involves the 58 “Fleebagging” Texas Democrats who fled the state to block election reform legislation from passing. The Biden White House is presenting them as “heroes,” which is a bit strange. If the Texas election law is the greatest threat to America – Biden’s words, not mine – it seems a little weird to call them a hero for running away… Biden and Harris are using these fugitives to pressure Congressional Democrats into passing this bill by any means necessary.

The lone Democrat holdout against H.R. 1 is Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) and just yesterday, it was revealed that he agreed to meet with the Texas fleebaggers. Biden and Harris are confident they can flip Manchin and get their election fraud bill passed into law.

It is more important now, than ever before, that you FIGHT back against this tyranny!

Stop Biden and the Left from changing the country’s election laws! Send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and STOP them from passing these radical election law changes!

If the Democrats abolish the filibuster, or even remove it just to pass H.R.1/S.1 into law, we will lose the Republic.

If they gain the ability to steal elections in all 50 states, it’s all over.

That is what Joe Biden is pushing for. That is what this fight is all about.

And I beg you to join this fight before it’s too late!

Stop Biden and the Left from changing the country’s election laws! Send your instant FaxBlast to Congress right now and STOP them from passing these radical election law changes!

Stop the Steal!

Max McGuire
Conservative Daily

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