For years, we have warned you that the United Nations was on the ground in Mexico and other Central American countries to help illegal aliens traveling to the US-Mexico border.
We knew that the UN was helping to charter buses for the illegal alien caravans and that UN organizations were coaching illegals on what they need to do to file fraudulent asylum claims once they reach the US.
But it is so much worse than that… It is worse than we ever could have imagined.
Todd Bensman, a frequent guest on the Conservative Daily Podcast (subscribe today if you haven't already!) traveled to Mexico recently and literally witnessed officials with the United Nations International Organization for Migration giving pre-paid cards to illegal aliens so they can afford to travel to the US. An illegal alien family of four will get 800 bucks a month from the UN until they reach the United States.
In 2019, Congress paid over 11 Billion to UN entities. Roughly 22% of all UN funding comes from American Taxpayers.
They are literally using YOUR taxes to help the illegal aliens reach the United States!
Every cent that the United States sends to the United Nations ends up being used against us and against our interests. Every. Single. Cent.
Funding we send to the WHO ends up being used to cover up China's role in releasing Covid-19 from the lab. Money sent to UNESCO – an org meant to protect world heritage sites – ends up being used against Israel. Funding sent to the UNRWA gets funneled into Palestinian terrorism. The billions sent to the UN's Green Climate Fund got redistributed to China and India so they can steal even more American jobs. And now we know that the UN IOM is giving prepaid debit cards to illegal aliens in Central America to help them reach the US border…
Again, this is ALL done using YOUR tax dollars! The average American taxpayer has to work almost seven hours just to pay the United Nations what we "owe" them. That is almost an entire work day!
But wait, it gets worse… I've explained to you that the deadline for Congress to fund the Federal government is December 3rd, just a few days away. The Bill that Democrats are pushing would INCREASE the foreign aid to the United Nations to its highest level ever!
This is what the Left always does. When they can't pass their agenda through Congress, they use the United Nations to impose their will onto the American people.
Barack Obama did it with gun control and environmental regulations. Now, Joe Biden wants to fund the United Nations so they can bring more illegal alien caravans to our border!
The vote on this bill is happening THIS WEEK! If you want to stop your hard-earned taxes from going to the UN and its radical migration agenda, you must fight back now!
Luckily, there is a bill that would put a stop to all of this: the American Sovereignty Restoration Act. Authored by Congressman Mike Rogers (R-AL), this bill would cut all UN funding, put an end to the diplomatic immunity that UN officials enjoy, and permanently prohibit UN officials from ever again assuming control over US military forces! The only funding that would be authorized would be to facilitate the removal of American personnel and equipment from UN facilities.
It really is a common sense bill. If the United Nations wants to help illegal immigrants and undermine American sovereignty, we shouldn't be giving them 11+ billion a year to facilitate it.
UN officials have literally been caught handing out pre-paid debit cards to illegal aliens marching towards the US border. Those are your hard-earned taxes at work…
We can shut it down right now, but only if you get loud and demand it!
Stop them now!
Max McGuire
Conservative Daily