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Biden’s New IRS Law Enforcement Army is Four Times Larger than the US Border Patrol

This is not a drill! 

As we learned from the latest massive spending package that – pinky promise – is totally going to bring down inflation, the So-Called-Ruler-Of-The-United-States, or SCROTUS, is building an Army.

Fax your legislators today — demand they stop Biden from creating his armed force of IRS troops!

No, Biden is not investing in the military. He is hiring 87,000 new IRS “Special Agents.” The job posting is a generic law enforcement listing, but they are hiring GS-1811 criminal investigators. 

If you express outrage, they may tell you that “the IRS has always had criminal investigators – stop spreading disinformation!” It is true that they’ve always had criminal investigators. But we can comfortably say that the IRS has never had 87,000 criminal investigators. 

CD caught up with retired Border Chief Todd Watkins, who told us, “Virtually every federal agency has criminal investigators, though I don’t know historically how many the IRS had. It wasn’t 87,000 though. No agency has ever had 87,000 criminal investigators. That is four times the size of the US Border Patrol.”

This is outrageous. For all the disarmament talk from the left, these 87,000 criminal investigators can show up with guns to make sure you pay every penny in taxes they demand.

The online job description originally called for applicants to be willing to use deadly force. As we discussed on Wednesday’s afternoon show, the job description we were able to find changed yesterday; now the National Review is reporting that the IRS deleted the job description.

Why did they delete it? Too much honesty? You all certainly didn’t change your plans.

Watkins continued, “What the regime is building is more than eight army infantry divisions; more than four army corps. And for a really poignant comparison, the US committed around 73,000 troops on D-Day to punch a hole in Hitler’s Atlantic Wall—to defeat tyranny. Biden needs 87,000 jackboots to ensure tyranny succeeds in America.”

Fax your legislators today — demand they stop Biden from creating his armed force of IRS troops!

All week, we have talked about how The State is escalating in its political persecution of ideological enemies. 

But this escalation could target all Americans. Most conservatives pay their taxes. They wouldn’t need 87,000 IRS troops to only punish Trump supporters.

First they came for the conservatives…

In every historical genocide, the subjugated populace feared their oppressors so strongly that they allowed atrocities to occur all around them. Very few stood in the gap. 

With every attack, we get stronger, our skin thickens, and we see them for who they truly are: The villains of America’s darkest hour.

We are winning, but our victory requires all of us to get in the gap. 

Like Americans have always done.

As they continue to escalate their oppression and subjugation of the American people, it is our duty to become ungovernable. That begins by refusing to remain silent. Use your voice while you still have one.

Fax your legislators today — demand they stop Biden from creating his armed force of IRS troops!

Here is today’s letter to Congress. Customize and send to your legislators. Use Your Voice!

We haven’t yet heard your statement denouncing the Biden regime’s weaponization of the federal government against American citizens. We’re still waiting for you to go on record about the US government’s violations of the Bill of Rights.

Now as we dig into your latest money laundering scheme, also known as the Inflation Reduction Act, we learn that you’re building an army of armed IRS Special Agents who must be ready to use a firearm in the field. In the IRS. 

You’ve also taken President Trump’s simplified tax system — one that made OUR lives easier — and made it even more complicated than it was before. 

Is prosecuting taxpayer confusion as a crime the intent of your new IRS Army? 



This newly expanded law enforcement force is four times the size of the US Border Patrol. It is more than eight army infantry divisions; more than four army corps. And for a really poignant comparison, the US committed around 73,000 troops on D-Day to punch a hole in Hitler’s Atlantic Wall—to defeat tyranny. Biden needs 87,000 jackboots to ensure tyranny succeeds in America.”

We are alarmed. And we have had enough.

You promised to protect our rights on the campaign trail. You swore an oath to protect them when assuming office. We don’t want to hear your empty rhetoric and unfulfilled promises any longer. We demand you set this right. 

Remember your oath, and start doing your job. If you cannot, then resign in disgrace for the complete and total failure to achieve the objectives for which you were hired. 

Fax your legislators today — demand they stop Biden from creating his armed force of IRS troops!

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