“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”
—Martin Niemöller
Back when we were marching post 2020 election, we often had a rainbow “Don’t Tread on Me” flag, amidst the usual patriotic and Revolutionary war flags, carried by a group of Log Cabin Republicans who were just as fed up as we were. Of course, Log Cabin Republicans are gay Republicans.
Last week on Louder with Crowder, Stephen Crowder interviewed anonymous gay man who was very forthcoming about what’s happening to his community:
“I want the L, G, and B to be separate from everything else. They know, in 20 years, if this continues, it’s gonna be normalized. And.. who knows what comes after this? After the trans agenda, the pedophile agenda whatever.”
This sentiment is shared by many in the LGBT community, though they are immediately silenced and their stories suppressed so you may not have caught the trend yet.
Gay conservatives are like black conservatives: They cause the uniparty cartel to reveal how truly bigoted they are and dismantal the narrative about intersectionality and immutable characteristics.
In other words, they cause the authoritarians to show their true colors.
I first became aware of Jaimee Mitchell back when I was allowed on Parler. Referring to herself as a “based lesbian,” her social handle is @thegaywhostrayed. It’s appropriate because Jaimee is an outspoken opponent of the radical left agenda. When Parler banned me forever on January 7, 2021, I lost track of Mitchell.
I found her again this morning, in a viral story across all of my social feeds. Mitchell is the Founder of Gays Against Groomers, an LGBT coalition group that opposes the sexualization of children.
This of course is wrongthink. Actually, because Mitchell is so effective, it’s “hate speech.”
That is, presumably, the justification used by PayPal and Venmo for banning Gays Against Groomers this week. Jaimee joined “Tucker Carlson Tonight” to talk about the ban.
“We’ve never gotten a violation before. They said that we violated, though, their user agreements, which, we’re not sure what in the agreement we violated,” Mitchell said. “There was no really detailed message to that. Just the notification that we have been banned.”
I wonder if it’s because she said “Groomer” instead of “Minor Attracted Person”?
The deplatforming of financial services is a much different offense than, say, dealing with a Facebook or Twitter suspension. Mitchell relies on these services for her livelihood. According to the authoritarians at PayPal, who also own Venmo, Mitchell’s wrongthink is so disdainful that she shouldn’t be allowed to eat or heat her home.
She needs to think about what she’s done. Maybe a stretch of starvation and homelessness will convince Mitchell that grooming and sexualizing children is actually a net societal good.
That’s clearly the purpose of the tactic deployed against her. And that tactic is clearly not working as Mitchell took to the airwaves – the few that will still let you say such hateful things as “stop sexualizing children.”
This story is maddening – but not unexpected.
The authoritarians who run American institutions – whether government, media, or corporate – are widening their net. This always happens with authoritarianism. They cannot win public sentiment on the merits, so they must censor and deplatform and, ultimately, dehumanize.
Mitchell won’t be silenced. Neither should you.
Here is today’s letter to Congress.
Gay conservatives are like black conservatives: They cause the uniparty cartel to reveal how truly bigoted they are and dismantal the narrative about intersectionality and immutable characteristics.
This week, PayPal and Venmo banned Gays Against Groomers for violating “user agreements,” though no specific violations were listed. Gays Against Groomers opposes the sexualization of children by mentally ill adults who desire to sexualize children.
The deplatforming of financial services is a much different offense than, say, dealing with a Facebook or Twitter suspension. People, including those at Gays Against Groomers, rely on these services for their livelihoods.
According to the authoritarians at PayPal, who also own Venmo, Mitchell’s wrongthink is so disdainful that she shouldn’t be allowed to eat or heat her home.
Should we get you a toboggan so you can fly down that slippery slope? Your inaction to protect Americans’ rights against the abuses and violations of technology companies has allowed this creeping tyranny to become overt.
Whether it’s social companies banning disagreeable speech or financial companies shutting down individuals revenue streams, this is unamerican and unconstitutional.
DEMAND FOR REMEDY: Investigate the deplatforming and dehumanization tactics deployed on conservatives by industry leading tech companies, and hold them accountable.
Protecting our natural rights is literally your job. That includes protecting them from private companies that you’ve allowed to act as governing authorities in both the public square and private homes (and bank accounts).
Remember your oath.