In the weeks leading up to the 2020 presidential election, the Hunter Biden Laptop was infamously exposed by the NY Post.
You have the 630-page report – read it. Then investigate, impeach, and remove Joe Biden.
What happened next is a familiar playbook by this point: The entire establishment – from the FBI to the mainstream media to the intelligence community to bipartisan government officials and bureaucrats – aligned on the message that this laptop was “Russian Disinformation.”
David Priess and the rest of the intelligence community signatories wrote, in-part:
“It is for all these reasons that we write to say that the arrival on the US political scene of emails purportedly belonging to Vice President Biden’s son Hunter, much of it related to his time serving on the Board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”
It wasn’t until March of 2022 that the truth was revealed by the establishment, when the NY Times quietly published that it was not disinformation but was, in fact, Hunter Biden’s Laptop.
The establishment then pulled on the plausible deniability of bureaucracy to defend their decision to, effectively, manipulate the outcome of the election. “Those words are still true. It has all the classic earmarks,” David Priess said in an interview with Fox News’ Bret Baier.
Yesterday, the Marco Polo Research Group’s Hunter Biden Laptop report, detailing 459 violations of state and federal laws and regulations by President Joe Biden’s son and his business partners. From The Daily Wire:
“The report, which reviewed the laptop’s emails, videos, calendar items, photographs, phone records, financial documents and more, but also provided context and explanation, serves as a ‘Rosetta Stone of white- and blue-collar crime under the patina of the Delaware Way, the report says. ‘We were able to illuminate previously convoluted network webs of the people leading the charge for global governance,’ cutting through shell companies and middlemen.”
The report has been sent to all 535 members of Congress as well as all US Attorneys for jurisdictions where crimes took place.
If the law means anything, this must be investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Of course, that’s a big “if.”
You have the 630-page report – read it. Then investigate, impeach, and remove Joe Biden.
Here is today’s letter to congress.
Yesterday, you were delivered a 630-page report detailing 459 violations of state and federal laws and regulations by President Joe Biden’s son and his business partners. These are the crimes documented on the Hunter Biden Laptop that has now been confirmed to be the legitimate laptop of the first son.
We are anxiously waiting to see if the law means anything.
You all sit in DC and make up laws that you expect the rest of us to follow. Hunter Biden and his business partners, including potentially Joe Biden, violated 459 state and federal laws. It’s a smoking gun…a smoking laptop.
There is enough to impeach Joe Biden many times over, particularly given the low bar you set during the Trump administration. There is more than enough to prosecute Hunter and James Biden.
The congressional approval rating hit 16% this year and is currently hovering in the low 20s. If you care about our nation and want to restore public trust and confidence, you cannot allow the alleged chief executive of the United States of America and his family to get away with these crimes.
DEMAND FOR REMEDY: You have the 630-page report – read it. Then investigate, impeach, and remove Joe Biden.
This is the most important moment you will face. Are you on the side of your constituents or on the side of the corruption?
Remember your oath.
You have the 630-page report – read it. Then investigate, impeach, and remove Joe Biden.