Did The Fed Just Signal a Recession?! BIDENHyperINFLATION is Going To Kill Our Nation
It is plain to see that the inflation the United States is currently facing is on route to destroying our nation. Congress MUST Balance the Budget, STOP unnecessary spending (I’m looking at you Ukraine), BAN the use of CBDC’s, and get our nation back on track for greatness and success!
Now let’s take a gander at the 35 TRILLION dollars of debt the United States has found itself in. I know I don’t have to tell any of you about the effects of this debt, the inflation it is causing. I know you feel the worthlessness of your dollar when you enter the grocery store to put food on your table, when you pump fuel into your car, when you take out loans, when you pay your rent, your electricity bill, when you try to buy or sell a home. The inflation that has led to the worthlessness of the US dollar has gotten out of control, our commodities are becoming unattainable, the wealth of the people is being sapped away, and we are losing our strength. We are on the precipice of collapse.
We have been in a silent depression for awhile, and this can undoubtedly be attributed to Biden and his bidenomics.
Recently there has been talk about recession indicators, which has led to massive selloffs in the international markets. It doesn’t look good for Joe Biden, and it doesn’t look good for Kamala Harris.
Here’s a statement from Wall Street Silver, to put into perspective how bad things are. In 1930 during the Great Depression, the average home in America was $3,900. The average car was $600. The average monthly rent was $18, or $216 a year, and the average salary was $1,300 a year. Fast forward to today. It is $436,000 for the average home, $48,000 for the average car, and the average rent is $2,000 a month, or $24,000 a year, and we have a $56,000 income for the average American right now.
So if you look back to the Great Depression, the house was only three times the average salary. Now it is eight times the average salary. The car was 46% of the salary. The car today is 85% of the salary. And here’s the craziest part. The rent was 16% of the average salary. It is now 42% of the average salary.
We have fallen into recession and great inflation in the past, it’s time for Congress to wake up and ACT. Use your voice, reprimand your congressional leaders, fight!